Student Teacher Agreement Template

It is the teacher`s responsibility to report all incidents on the school premises to the school and to make serious efforts to improve their students. School starts on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. According to the teacher`s program, he must be in school before the start of the first year. The teacher cannot deliver the teaching by remote means. The teacher understands that during his work at the school, he will have access to all information, including, but not limited to proprietary and confidential information about the academic and commercial activities of the school. The teacher therefore does not have the right to pass on to other institutions or companies the information he can acquire at school. Depending on the position the teacher may hold at the school, he or she may take up another position at another school that may be considered a conflict of interest. The teacher must disclose any employment he may have during his term at the school. In all cases, the teacher must make a 60-day communication before the termination of the employment The teacher understands that it is his responsibility in keeping his students` records in order to monitor and evaluate the progress of their academic performance.

The teacher receives an allowance of 40,000.00 USD, payable twice a month in 24 equal parts in the year, subject to authorized deductions. The teacher will be regularly assessed for evaluation. The teacher works no less than 30 hours per week or depends on the number of hours scheduled in the teacher`s weekly schedule. A teacher`s contract is a legal document that binds the teacher and the school to the teacher`s employment. This document defines the rights, benefits, obligations and other conditions of the parties in a clear and readable printed document. A contract is necessary for joint employment in all areas, as it protects the rights of both parties. Each school has its own standards. Therefore, a teacher`s contract helps clarify the teacher`s job description so that he or she knows what awaits him or her and how he or she will carry out his or her duties. It also helps to protect a school`s necessary rights in setting employment standards with its staff. Overall, a teacher`s contract is an essential document that every school should have with regard to the recruitment of its teachers. This PDF model for teacher contracts offers immediate solutions for schools that wish to have a teacher contract, but no model available. This document defines the basic necessities of a teacher`s contract.

You can add more additions by editing the template after you copy the document into your account. Simply add items to your PDF template by drawing them out and putting them in your PDF edition canvas. You can easily rephrase the context of this contract by changing the paragraphs. Adding or deleting images. The teacher must, at all times, do everything possible to teach his students effectively and within the guidelines set by the school. The teacher must always dress in a respectable and professional manner. The teacher is entitled to the insurance benefits provided by the school during his employment. The teacher performs tasks that the school deems appropriate to maintain the level of education required by the school.