
    Leo Darwin Wants To Help You.

    He Just Can’t Help Himself.

    The Award-Winning Independent Series.


to the world of Darwin

Life Coach Leo Darwin appears to have everything. A thriving practice. A best-selling book. A beautiful wife and child at home.

In reality, he’s being evicted from his office, his marriage is a mess, and his six-month old baby doesn’t have a name yet.

His new client is about to have a breakthrough overcoming his fear of women. But the woman he’s fallen in love with is Leo’s wife.


  • “Fulfillment awaits.”

  • “The tree that bears fruit is nourished by the well of desire.”

  • You’re a tomato!

  • “We don’t have to talk about it.”


“You’re a tomato, Michael. And in order for you to thrive, you need a strong, vibrant and sustained tomato tree. I’m interested in helping you grow that tree.”

Meet the Characters

“The Darwin’s Tree Motivational Philosophy has helped
a lot of people. And I think
it can help you!”
“My job is unfulfilling. I’m actually on a leave of absence because of… an unfortunate incident.”
“You like picnics, Leo. Not me! When you said you’d
take me someplace special,
did you ever think I might imagine something different?”


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