to the world of Darwin
Life Coach Leo Darwin appears to have everything. A thriving practice. A best-selling book. A beautiful wife and child at home.
In reality, he’s being evicted from his office, his marriage is a mess, and his six-month old baby doesn’t have a name yet.
His new client is about to have a breakthrough overcoming his fear of women. But the woman he’s fallen in love with is Leo’s wife.
“Fulfillment awaits.”
“The tree that bears fruit is nourished by the well of desire.”
You’re a tomato!
“We don’t have to talk about it.”
“You’re a tomato, Michael. And in order for you to thrive, you need a strong, vibrant and sustained tomato tree. I’m interested in helping you grow that tree.”
Meet the Characters
“The Darwin’s Tree Motivational Philosophy has helped
a lot of people. And I think
it can help you!”
“My job is unfulfilling. I’m actually on a leave of absence because of… an unfortunate incident.”
“You like picnics, Leo. Not me! When you said you’d
take me someplace special,
did you ever think I might imagine something different?”